Results for 'Natashe Lemos Dekker'

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  1. Intrinsic Value: Concept and Warrant.Noah Marcelino Lemos - 1994 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    This book addresses some basic questions about intrinsic value: What is it? What has it? What justifies our beliefs about it? In the first six chapters the author defends the existence of a plurality of intrinsic goods, the thesis of organic unities, the view that some goods are 'higher' than others, and the view that intrinsic value can be explicated in terms of 'fitting' emotional attitudes. The final three chapters explore the justification of our beliefs about intrinsic value, including coherence (...)
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    Haji and the Indeterministic Weightings Model of Libertarian Free Will.John Lemos - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 25 (3):101-118.
    In recent work, I defend an indeterministic weightings model of libertarian free will. (Lemos, 2018, Ch. 5; 2021; 2023, Ch. 6). On this view, basic free-willed actions are understood as the result of causally indeterminate deliberative processes in which the agent assigns evaluative weight to the reasons for the different choice options under consideration. In basic free-willed actions, the assignment of weights is causally undetermined, and the choices are typically the causal consequence of these assignments of weights in which (...)
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  3. América Latina, uma realidade de cidades gigantes.Aig Lemos - 1991 - Polis 3.
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    The Indeterministic Weightings Model of Libertarian Free Will.John Lemos - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 23 (3):137-156.
    This article articulates and defends an indeterministic weightings model of libertarian free will. It begins by defining the conception of free will at issue and then goes on to present versions of the luck objection which is often made against theories of LFW. It is argued that the sort of indeterministic weightings model of LFW which has been defended in the recent literature by Storrs McCall and E.J. Lowe and John Lemos has the resources to answer such luck objections (...)
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  5. A Defense of Organic Unities.Noah Lemos - 2015 - The Journal of Ethics 19 (2):125-141.
    In this essay, I defend the Moorean position on organic unities. I will present some plausible examples of organic unites and consider some objections to them. In particular, I will consider an objection from evaluative inadequacy and an objection from Holism or Conditionalism. I will also examine one line of criticism that claims the Moorean position is incoherent.
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    The Philosophy of Science: A Systematic Account.Ramon S. Lemos - 1966 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 26 (4):608-609.
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    Promising, Intending, and Moral Autonomy.Noah Lemos - 1987 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 47 (4):685-688.
  8. (2 other versions)An Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge.Noah Marcelino Lemos - 2007 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Epistemology or the theory of knowledge is one of the cornerstones of analytic philosophy, and this book provides a clear and accessible introduction to the subject. It discusses some of the main theories of justification, including foundationalism, coherentism, reliabilism, and virtue epistemology. Other topics include the Gettier problem, internalism and externalism, skepticism, the problem of epistemic circularity, the problem of the criterion, a priori knowledge, and naturalized epistemology. Intended primarily for students taking a first class in epistemology, this lucid and (...)
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  9. Conditionalism, intrinsicalism, and pleasure in the bad.Noah Lemos - 2023 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 107 (3):692-705.
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, EarlyView.
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    The Invention of Autonomy: A History of Modern Moral Philosophy.Ramon M. Lemos - 1998 - Philosophical and Phenomenological Research 62 (2):483-487.
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    Kane and the Physical Indeterminism Luck Objection: A Reply to Moore.John Lemos - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (5):2597-2615.
    Dwayne Moore (2021) argues that libertarians about free will who are reductive physicalists cannot make proper sense of free will. In doing so, he presents what he calls “the physical indeterminism luck objection” to libertarian free will. He goes on to consider three different contemporary naturalistic approaches to libertarian free will (LFW) – those of Christopher Franklin, Mark Balaguer, and Robert Kane – and argues that if understood as reductive physicalist views they all fall prey to this objection. While it’s (...)
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  12. What Is Basic Intrinsic Value?Noah Lemos - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24 (1):33-43.
    The concept of basic intrinsic value is important for axiology. Michael Zimmerman and Timothy Perrine each present necessary and sufficient conditions for something’s having basic intrinsic value. I argue that neither account is satisfactory. I present two objections to Zimmerman’s view. First, I argue that his view cannot accommodate some widely held and plausible views about the intrinsic value of knowledge and true belief. Second, I argue that it cannot accommodate some plausible views about the intrinsic value of states when (...)
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    Gerrit Schipper 1905 - 1986.Ramon M. Lemos - 1987 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 60 (4):673 - 674.
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    Le Brésil dans la société de l'information : Gouvernement lula, Copyleft et logiciels libres.André Lemos & Pedro A. D. Rezende - 2005 - Hermes 42:198.
    Le Foss ou logiciel libre, est un mouvement de fond qui valorise le partage de l'effort collectif dans la production logicielle et lutte ainsi contre l'appropriation intellectuelle de toute création humaine que les grandes industries de l'information cherchent à imposer. Le gouvernement brésilien a choisit de favoriser le Foss dans toute la société brésilienne.The Foss , or free software, is a fundamental movement that promotes the sharing of effort in software production and fight against and intellectual ownership of any human (...)
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    The Concept of Natural Right.Ramon M. Lemos - 1982 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 7 (1):133-150.
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    Kant and Recent Philosophies of Art.João Lemos - 2021 - Kantian Review 26 (4):567-582.
    This article is to be a bridge between Kant’s aesthetics and contemporary art – not by being a paper on Kant and contemporary art, but rather by being on Kant and contemporaryphilosophy of art. I claim that Kant’s views on the appreciation of art can accommodate contextualism as well as ethicism. I argue that not only does contextualism fit Kant’s views on the appreciation of art; in §§51–3 of the thirdCritique, Kant’s appreciation of art is in accordance with contextualism. I (...)
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  17.  21
    Freedom, Responsibility, and Determinism: A Philosophical Dialogue.John Lemos - 2013 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    John Lemos' _Freedom, Responsibility, and Determinism_ offers an up-to-date introduction to free will (and associated) debates in an engaging, dialogic format that recommends it for use by beginning students in philosophy as well as by undergraduates in intermediate courses in metaphysics, philosophy of mind, and action theory.
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  18. Foot and Aristotle on virtues and flourishing.John Lemos - 2007 - Philosophia 35 (1):43-62.
    This article compares the views of Foot and Aristotle on virtues and flourishing. It is argued that the view put forward in Philippa Foot’s recent book, Natural Goodness, suffers from a certain sort of vagueness and it is open to other criticisms which the Aristotelian view can avoid. Foot’s views have been subjected to criticism in the recent literature by David Copp and David Sobel. These criticisms are given consideration in the article and it is argued that the more traditional (...)
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  19. Higher Goods and the Myth of Tithonus.Noah M. Lemos - 1993 - Journal of Philosophy 90 (9):482-496.
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    Pentecostalismo nos trens de São Paulo (Pentecostalism in São Paulo´s trains) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2011v9n22p466.Fernanda Lemos - 2011 - Horizonte 9 (22):466-492.
    Este artigo é uma tentativa de analisar sociologicamente o processo de institucionalização pelo qual vem passando a ‘Cruzada Evangelística Interdenominacional nos Trens das Boas Novas’ (CEI), na prática diária dos cultos pentecostais realizados nos vagões de trem da Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos do Estado de São Paulo (CPTM). Nossa hipótese é que o culto no trem vem passando por um processo de burocratização das funções religiosas diárias, o que pode ser observado desde sua origem, em seu desenvolvimento, na sua (...)
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    (1 other version)Justification and considered moral judgments.Noah Lemos - 1986 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 24 (4):503-516.
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    Self-Forming Acts and the Grounds of Responsibility.John Lemos - 2015 - Philosophia 43 (1):135-146.
    Robert Kane has for many years claimed that in our underivatively free actions, what he calls “self-forming acts”, we actually try to do both of the two acts we are contemplating doing and then we ultimately end up doing only one of them. This idea of dual willings/efforts was put forward in an attempt to solve luck problems, but Randolph Clarke and Alfred Mele argue that for this to work agents must, then, freely engage in the dual efforts leading up (...)
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    A defense of Darwinian accounts of morality.John Lemos - 2001 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 31 (3):361-385.
    This article is a defense of Michael Ruse's sociobiological account of the origins and nature of morality. In the piece, the author provides a summary explanation of Ruse's views and arguments. Then he goes on to explain and critically discuss a variety of objections that have been made against sociobiological accounts of morality. He argues that the criticisms that have been made often work against less sophisticated sociobiological theories but that Ruse's theory is immune to the criticisms. The author responds (...)
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    Belleza libre artística – soporte textual para una hipótesis.João Lemos - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 14:389-402.
    En este artículo examino el soporte textual para la hipótesis de que, dentro del marco de la teoría estética de Kant, la belleza artística no es necesariamente de tipo adherente –y puede ser, por consiguiente, de tipo libre. Tal examen está dividido en dos partes: en la primera parte cito y reflexiono en base a pasajes de la Crítica del juicio que sugieren que la belleza artística no es necesariamente una belleza adherente. En la segunda parte presento tres lecturas emprendidas (...)
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    Seemings and the Response to Radical Skepticism.Noah Lemos - 2022 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 13 (2):105-119.
    I begin by making some brief remarks about commonsense particularism. Commonsense particularists hold that we know pretty much what we think we know and hold that some of these beliefs are more reasonable than competing skeptical principles. However, commonsense philosophers often differ about what justifies these particular beliefs. Michael Bergmann holds that that our commonsense epistemic beliefs depend for their justification on epistemic intuitions or epistemic seemings. After a brief description of his views, I raise some questions about the nature (...)
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  26. Concepções de história dos primeiros cronistas régios portugueses: Intelectuais e história.Susani Silveira Lemos - 2001 - História 20:117-134.
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    Kane, Pereboom, and Event-Causal Libertarianism.John Lemos - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (2):607-623.
    This paper provides a brief review of some of the central elements of Robert Kane’s event-causal libertarian theory of free will. It then goes on to consider four of the central criticisms Derk Pereboom has made of Kane’s view and it shows how each of these criticisms can be reasonably answered. These criticisms are the no further power/control objection, the disappearing agent/luck objection, the randomizing manipulator objection, and the problem of responsibility for efforts of will.
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    High-minded egoism and the problem of priggishness.Noah M. Lemos - 1984 - Mind 93 (372):542-558.
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    (1 other version)Self- Evidence and Principia Ethica.Noah Lemos - 1985 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 23 (4):451-464.
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  30. Psychological hedonism, evolutionary biology, and the experience machine.John Lemos - 2004 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 34 (4):506-526.
    In the second half of their recent, critically acclaimed book Unto Others: The Evolution and Psychology of Unselfish Behavior , Elliott Sober and David Sloan Wilson discuss psychological hedonism. This is the view that avoiding our own pain and increasing our own pleasure are the only ultimate motives people have. They argue that none of the traditional philosophical arguments against this view are good, and they go on to present theirownevolutionary biological argument against it. Interestingly, the first half of their (...)
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  31. Sober and Wilson and Nozick and the experience machine.John Lemos - 2002 - Philosophia 29 (1-4):401-409.
    Years ago Robert Nozick provided the experience machine argument, which states that since many people would forgo a life of artificially stimulated tremendous pleasure provided by an "experience machine," it must be that sometimes people are motivated by things other than the pursuit of their own pleasure. This is to say that he rejected psychological hedonism. In a recent book Elliot Sober and David Wilson defend the view that Nozick's argument does not provide adequate refutation of psychological hedonism. This article (...)
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    A reply to professor Hodges.Ramon M. Lemos - 1961 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 22 (2):249-250.
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    A Libertarian Response to Dennett and Harris on Free Will.John Lemos - 2017 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 8 (3):231-246.
    : This article critically examines central arguments made in Sam Harris’ Free Will as well as key aspects of Daniel Dennett’s compatibilist conception of free will. I argue that while Dennett makes thoughtful replies to Harris’ critique of compatibilism, his compatibilism continues to be plagued by critical points raised by Bruce Waller. Additionally, I argue that Harris’ rejection of the libertarian view of free will is ill-informed and I explain the basics of Robert Kane’s libertarian view, arguing that it can (...)
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  34. Wanting, Willing, Trying and Kane's Theory of Free Will.John Lemos - 2011 - Dialectica 65 (1):31-48.
    Robert Kane's event-causal libertarian theory of free will has been subjected to a variety of criticisms. In response to the luck objection, he has provided an ambiguous answer which results in additional criticisms that are avoidable. I explain Kane's theory, the luck objection and Kane's reply to the problem of luck. I note that in some places he suggests that the dual wantings of agents engaged in self-forming actions (SFAs) provides the key to answering the luck objection, whereas in other (...)
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    Dilema Traducción – Adaptación.Sílvia Aymerich-Lemos, Hélène Beaulieu & Josep Joan Centelles - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 18 (3):1-10.
    Un texto no siempre puede ser traducido sin traicionar el sentido del original. Una novela juvenil concebida con el propósito de transmitir conocimientos contendrá a menudo informaciones que un público coetáneo que vive en otro país no necesitará, y, al revés, puede haber que añadir en la traducción informaciones específicas para el público destinatario ausentes en la novela original. La reflexión en torno a la resolución de las dificultades encontradas en la traducción de cuatro textos, las distintas tipologías traductivas utilizadas (...)
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    A Neomedieval Essay in Philosophical Theology.Ramon M. Lemos - 2001 - Lexington Books.
    This extended essay presents the meditations of an eminent scholar on medieval philosophical theology. Beginning with a discussion of faith and reason, Ramon M. Lemos argues that we can be practically justified in accepting certain religions even though we may not know that their central claims are true. Lemos moves on to his operational definition of God, based on St. Anselm's concept of God as a being that which no greater can be conceived. From this ground, he considers (...)
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    Michel Foucault: filosofia, linguística e estruturalismo.Fabiano Lemos - 2013 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 39 (2):213-243.
    O artigo se propõe a esclarecer a hesitante relação de Foucault com a teoria estruturalista da década de 1960 a partir da recondução histórica e política dessa questão ao debate intelectual que procurou, com maior ou menor sucesso, no modelo linguístico de Saussure, uma nova grade de inteligibilidade para as ciências humanas ciências humanas. A descrição das transformações que ocorreram no interior deste debate e o modo como elas levaram Foucault a repensar sua participação nele nos ajudam a esclarecer como (...)
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    Defeat, pluralism, and indispensable goods.Noah Lemos - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (10):3039-3053.
    Is Moore’s principle of organic unities true? Does it matter whether it is? I argue that it is true and important. I defend the principle of organic unites and the view that intrinsic value can be defeated by presenting examples of the defeat of intrinsic value. I next respond to two objections. The first claims the examples fail since the allegedly defeated parts lack actual intrinsic value—they are “evaluatively inadequate”. The second is that the principle of organic unities lacks “theoretical (...)
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    Motor imagery modulation of body sway is task-dependent and relies on imagery ability.Thiago Lemos, Nélio S. Souza, Carlos H. R. Horsczaruk, Anaelli A. Nogueira-Campos, Laura A. S. de Oliveira, Claudia D. Vargas & Erika C. Rodrigues - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  40. Review: Michael Huemer: Ethical Intuitionism. [REVIEW]N. Lemos - 2008 - Mind 117 (466):483-486.
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  41. Hobbes and Locke: Power and Consent.Ramon M. Lemos - 1978 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (3):189-189.
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    Readings of the Platform Sūtra. Edited by Morten Schlütter and Stephen F. Teiser; and The Platform Sūtra of the Sixth Patriarch: The Text of the Tun-Huang Manuscript. Translated by Philip B. Yampolsky with a new foreword by Morten Schlütter. [REVIEW]Natash Heller - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 133 (1).
    Readings of the Platform Sūtra. Edited by Morten Schlütter and Stephen F. Teiser. New York: Columbia University Press, 2012. Pp. ix + 220. $27. The Platform Sūtra of the Sixth Patriarch: The Text of the Tun-Huang Manuscript. Translated by Philip B. Yampolsky with a new foreword by Morten Schlütter. New York: Columbia University Press, 2012. Pp. xvi + 220 + 30. $32.
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  43. Anistia e crise política no Brasil pós-1964.Renato Lemos - 2002 - Topoi 12:287-312.
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    Epistemologia do processo civil.Rafael Cavalcanti Lemos - 2017 - [Forte da Casa, Portugal]: Petrony.
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    Kant e o monstro.Fabiano Lemos - 2014 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 55 (129):189-203.
    O artigo procura avaliar a consolidação e os desdobramentos da função heurística e simbólica ocupada pelo Ungeheuer [o monstro ou o monstruoso] na filosofia kantiana, tendo em vista a emergência do horizonte da racionalidade moderna. Uma reconfiguração dessas imagens do Monstro e da Monstruosidade parece ter lugar no momento mesmo em que a filosofia moderna procurou pensar sua identidade e seus limites. O pensamento de Kant, que ocupa - de fato ou de direito - um lugar central nessa ruptura, apresentaria (...)
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    ZABATIERO, Júlio. Para uma teologia pública. São Paulo: Fonte Editorial, 2011. ISBN: 978-85-63607-28-7.Carolyne Santos Lemos - 2018 - Revista de Teologia 12 (21):118-120.
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    A questão algorítmica.Grayce Lemos & Marina Bazzo de Espíndola - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11:e-7362.
    Este artigo explora os desafios impostos pela implementação de sistemas algorítmicos e inteligência artificial (IA) em diversas plataformas que fazem parte da cultura digital hoje. O foco principal é analisar como a literatura científica recente relaciona a questão algorítmica com os fenômenos da pós-verdade e a crise da democracia, em um contexto onde a disseminação de fake news e a manipulação digital desempenham papeis centrais. A pesquisa mapeia artigos publicados nos últimos dois anos, pós-pandemia, identificando correlações entre a aparição do (...)
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    Kanian Freedom and the Problem of Luck.John Lemos - 2007 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 45 (4):515-532.
    This article provides a brief explanation of Robert Kane's indeterministic, event‐causal libertarian theory of freedom and responsibility. It is noted that a number of authors have criticized libertarian theories, such as Kane's, by presenting the problem of luck. After noting how Kane has tried to answer this problem in his recent writings, the author goes on to explain Ishtiyaque Haji's recent version of the luck argument. The author considers three possible Kanian replies to Haji's luck argument and argues that the (...)
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    What’s Wrong With Methodism?Noah M. Lemos - 1998 - Metaphilosophy 29 (1&2):79-94.
    I distinguish between two theses, DPJ and DGP. DPJ asserts that one’s justification for accepting particular epistemic propositions positively depends on one’s being justified in believing general epistemic principles. DGP claims that one’s justification in believing general epistemic propositions positively depends on one’s being justified in believing particular epistemic propositions. I claim that methodism accepts DPJ and rejects DGP and particularism accepts DGP and rejects DPJ. I argue that we should reject DGP and methodism roughly because these views imply that (...)
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    O Negacionismo Não É Uma Forma de Ceticismo.Italo Lins Lemos & Renato Cesar Cani - 2023 - ARARIPE — REVISTA DE FILOSOFIA 4 (1):42-60.
    O nosso objetivo, neste artigo, é argumentar que o negacionismo não é uma forma de ceticismo. Enquanto o cético concede o seu assentimento às proposições que possuem evidências contundentes e suspende o seu juízo a respeito das proposições obscuras, o negacionista, segundo Lawrence Torcello (2016), rejeita um consenso científico por motivos que são independentes da pesquisa e do progresso das ciências. Além disso, o negacionista, mais do que negar uma tese bem estabelecida pela comunidade especializada, e longe de suspender o (...)
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